What we get up to in our spare time...
During Early Start and Late Pickup we watch DVDs. Something like an episode of Mythbusters or Avatar: The Last Airbender. During Lunch we play tabletop games like Killer Bunnies, Spy Alley, or Robo Rally.
When we are working on our activities there are times when we have to simply wait for something to happen, like glue drying or paint drying. When that happens it is handy to have a secondary activity to be doing in the background, lest we get impatient and try to continue our kit before it is ready. Secondary activities include Kumihimo and Origami. These are good secondary activities because they can be put down without affecting the end result.
The biggest diversion of all happens on the Friday afternoon of the last day of the program. This session is free for anyone who has attended the program during those school holidays. During this session we play tabletop games and watch DVDs while the Leaders pack up.
We break for an hour between 12:00 and 1:00. At the start of this time we wash up and then grab our lunch. At Camberwell we can eat outside if the weather is nice, otherwise we eat inside. If we're eating inside then we can watch a DVD while we eat. After we've eaten we can watch DVDs or play a tabletop game. Usually there's only half an hour or so to play a game and that's usually not enough to finish the game - so we leave it set up so it can be finished later.